Protocol Architecture
Laws | Ecosystem | Instantiations
One does not design a protocol but the system designing it.
- in a unique tripartite ecosystem, a protocol regulate a public utility;
- among affected parties, agents be groups of actors.
The Ruled Power has shown.
The inner protocol copies communication structures between agents.1
The outer protocol bounds the inner protocol in an ecosystem.2
Tokenomic Doer macromanages with Law Programming Interfaces (LPI).
3'. Economic Maker micromanages with legislation.2 -
In the Tokenomy, Doer manages the protocol; Maker legislates utility.
4'. In the Economy, Maker legislates the protocol; Doer manages utility.2 -
A paradigmatic justice mechanism balances doer and maker powers.3
Undirected communication edges transpose into price systems.4
Directed communication edges transpose into data feeds.5
1 By virtue of Conway's law;
communication graphs of Maker knowledge organize inner systems of rules.
2 By virtue of Tripartite Ecosystems, centralized and decentralized.
3 By virtue of Montesquieu's political triad;
the user power is preserved in a judiciary as well as in a trading system.
4 By virtue of Hayek's 1945 paper;
price systems synthesize communication to coordinate independent actors.
5 By virtue of IT systems.
| Knowledge | Governance | Regulation |
_________________ _________________
___ | | | ___ |
O / \ | | | / O \ |
/ \ / \ | | | / / \ \ |
O<-|->O + | | + | | = |->|<-O<-$->O->|<-|
\ / | | | \ / |
\ ___ / | | | \ ___ / |
|_________________| |_________________|
Communication Public Management Protocol
Graph Utility (outer protocol)
| |
O: subgroup | / \ O: subsystem
| micro ----------|
| / macro | ->|<-: Rule of Law
Economic <-- Economic | | |
Doer Maker Tokenomic |--------> Judiciary
| Doer |
| | |
Tokenomic ---------------> LPI -------------> User markets
Maker |
/ \
Dapp DLT
<-|->: undirected edge <-$->: exchange
-|- : common interface -$- : price system
<-, ->, / or \: directed edges idem: data feeds
O : broadcasting agent id.: central s.s
/ \ |
O O : listeners or emitters id.: decentral
6 s.s or subsystem or subsystems
communication graph | public utility | manager | protocol |
Tokenomy | currency | DLT | crypto |
Economy | currency | central bank | fiat |
Tokenomy | market | EVM | AMM |
Economy | market | tax office | fiscality |
... | ... | ... | ... |
A protocol inherits the features of management.